Celebration Church Almere loves to welcome you every Sunday morning at 10.30 at Casa Casla (Weerwaterplein 3). More information on our social media or visit our webpage.
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Celebration Church Hilversum gathers weekly on Sunday at 09.30 (Dutch Service) and 11.30 (English Service) for a powerful church service.
Every month Celebration Young Adults hosts a hangout. Plans and locations can variate per month, so stay in contact with us to know the details!
Celebration Church Huizen verwelkomt je graag! We komen wekelijks samen in de Goede Herderkerk op de Piersonlaan 2 om 10.00 uur.
Celebration Church Almere loves to welcome you every Sunday morning at 10.30 at Casa Casla (Weerwaterplein 3). More information on our social media or visit our webpage.
cYoung Adults gathers for a fun hangout, to share life together and build community. We're playing paintball on August 25th.
Revival Night with Tim Timberlake will be a powerful night of worship, prayer and the presence of God.
A short introduction meeting new to Celebration Church Netherlands called New to Church. Get to know who we are and let us know who you are!
Celebration Church Hilversum gathers weekly on Sunday at 09.30 (Dutch Service) and 11.30 (English Service) for a powerful church service.
Celebration Church Huizen verwelkomt je graag! We komen wekelijks samen in de Goede Herderkerk op de Piersonlaan 2 om 10.00 uur.
Celebration Church Almere loves to welcome you every Sunday morning at 10.30 at Casa Casla (Weerwaterplein 3). More information on our social media or visit our webpage.
Elke twee weken bidden we een uur met elkaar. Van 19.30 - 20.30 in ons kerkgebouw.
We planned a Youth Camp for a time for relaxing, bible study and of course the cool bonfire. September 6-8.
cYoung Adults gathers every month for a service that consists out of a time of worship, biblical teaching and time for connecting.
Celebration Church Hilversum gathers weekly on Sunday at 09.30 (Dutch Service) and 11.30 (English Service) for a powerful church service.
Wil jij je laten dopen en je keuze voor Jezus demonstreren? Bezoek de doop info meeting zodat we kunnen helpen met deze stap.
Back to School, a moment in the service where we pray a blessing over all the children starting their new school year.
Celebration Church Huizen verwelkomt je graag! We komen wekelijks samen in de Goede Herderkerk op de Piersonlaan 2 om 10.00 uur.
Celebration Church Almere loves to welcome you every Sunday morning at 10.30 at Casa Casla (Weerwaterplein 3). More information on our social media or visit our webpage.
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday, a special teens service for ages 10 - 15 called cNextGen. During the English service in Celebration Church Hilversum.