Wereldwijde Missies
We zijn Familie
op een Koninkrijksmissie.
We zijn geroepen om vertegenwoordigers van het Koninkrijk te zijn hier op aarde. Om de wereld in te gaan en discipelen te maken, het evangelie te verkondigen waar we gaan. (Mattheüs 28:19-20). Hier bij Celebration Church geloven we dat het onze taak is om jou toe te rusten met resources en je te connecten met zendelingen rondom de wereld. Zodat jij op die manier kan GAAN en je missie te uit te leven als vertegenwoordiger van het Koninkrijk.
Hoe kan jij meedoen?
Waar je ook bent, je hebt altijd de mogelijkheid om te bidden. Bid voor degene die eropuit gaan als zendelingen, voor mission trips die nu plaatsvinden, voor de lokale outreach die we organiseren en vraag God om je te laten zien hoe jij de missie uit kan dragen in jouw dagelijks leven.
Binnen Celebration Church Netherlands hebben we diverse mogelijkheden om te dienen met je tijd. Op zondag kan je deelnemen aan het Serve Team zoals dienen in het cKids team, hospitality team of aanbiddingsteam. Gedurende de week kan je ook dienen op plekken zoals de Foodkitchen of Eden.
Als de Heer jou daartoe heeft geroepen, kan je besluiten om de bedieningen financieel te steunen. Elke bijdrage is waardevol! Met jouw financiële support kunnen we op een praktische manier bouwen aan het Koninkrijk. We moedigen je aan om te bidden voordat je deze stap maakt. Je kan zelf alles klaarzetten in je online bankieren omgeving.
AWKNG Alliance
Als Celebration Church Netherlands zijn we verbonden aan AWKNG Alliance. Hun missie is om kerken en bedieningen met elkaar te verbinden. Onder bijbelse waarden geven ze antwoord op de landelijke nood en de wereldwijde noot. Binnenkort lanceren we ook onze Europees kantoor en voor nu ben je welkom hier!
Go – Missionaries

Mirte Jorine ter Wal
I’m Mirte Jorine ter Wal (37). Soon after I gave my life to Christ (2012), God asked me to let go of my house, job and country and called me into mission. I served for two years on the Logos Hope from Operation Mobilization. (2016).
It was in my time on the Logos Hope that God opened my heart for Africa. Currently, I’m studying at All Nations Christian College in the UK. I’m enjoying my studies but it’s all preparation to serve long-term in Africa!
I feel called to go the rural and remote places, where there is no church and where the Gospel is not proclaimed. All for His Glory, His love, truth and grace to the ends of the earth.
Thank you for your prayers!

Erika Molenaar
Since 1,5 years I live and work fulltime in Pattaya, a city in Thailand with 30.000 women who are trapped in prostitution. I came here because I love Jesus and a few years ago, I was drawn to the city of Pattaya during my time of prayer. I did not know the city but burst out in tears. I said: “Lord, if these are your tears for this city, then I want to go there to explore.” In 2016 I stopped in Pattaya for one day while traveling Thailand. I was able to meet with Nella, the founder of Tamar Center. In that same year I returned for 3 months to teach English in the red light district. The intriguing stories behind the beautiful smiles of the women got a hold of me and I decided to leave everything behind and embark on this journey.
At this stage I am here on a student visa and am focusing on learning the Thai language. Besides that I am involved in music workshops for the women of Tamar. Together with Nella and Nerys we are also discussing and brainstorming plans for a future counseling center. On Fridays we lead a church service in the red light district. We also are involved with outreach in bars.
Besides that I am helping a good Thai friend of mine. She has been a prostitute and has lived for 12 years in the Tamar Center. Since two years, she has her own hair salon and reaches out to the women in the bars. Recently the Lord impressed on her to buy prostitutes free for an evening so they can attend a Bible study. God also impressed on my heart to support my friend financially. Together we are stepping out in faith and God has blessed us tremendously. We started in her hair salon with 8 women and currently we have a new big space where we can receive weekly 30 women. In the mornings I used to work out along the beach, but currently I make music at the beach and build friendship with the homeless people who sleep there. God is good and it is a quite an adventure to listen to his voice and to share his love. My mission is “healing wounded hearts by sharing his love”.

Thijmen & Margot
Thijmen & Margot Bekkers have been living in the Middle East with their children Tirza and Joab for the last 3 years. Thijmen works as a physics researcher and Margot takes care of the family. She is fully occupied with learning the language and besides that she still works in the field of communication for clients. Tirza and Joab are both in school. They speak the language fluently and are completely included in their groups of friends.
The mission they have received from God is to build relationships with the local population and to bring the good news to them in this way.
Prayer and thank-you points:
- The company of T is growing, not very quickly, but the development is positive. Keep praying for steady growth.
- Please pray for the well-being of the children and the whole family. They are well integrated but understandably they also have challenges in such a different culture and environment. Pray also for their health.
- Pray for God’s guidance. The situation in the country is tough for the population. Many contacts and friends of the family have left or are planning to leave the country. This feels like a loss of course after years of building relationships and having sown hope into their lives. Pray for encouragement for the family, for guidance and confirmation in every step they take.
- The family is extremely grateful to everyone who prays for them, encourages them, and also to everyone who financially supports them.

Richard Zevenbergen
Richard and Pita Zevenbergen have been missionaries in Brazil since 2005. God called them to Brazil to train missionaries and to urge the Brazilian church to do mission work. Richard is an ordained Pastor of the VPE and of the Brazilian Assemblies of God. Pita takes care of their three sons, Rafael 12 yrs, Christoph 9 yrs and Michael 8 yrs old, and teaches languages in the mission school.