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This Table Guide is designed to help you celebrate the Sabbath as a regular part of your week, the way God intended it to be. Many people in church have started celebrating this sacred time with family and friends and have experienced first-hand the blessings that come with it.
Shabbat Demonstration.
Shabbat Explanation.
BibleProject: Sabbath
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Dive deeper in the subject of Sabbath and rewatch the The Table series.

Jesus' Signs & Wonders - LIVE at 11.30 (Celebration Church Netherlands)

Jesus in Nazareth - Peter Huth (Celebration Church Netherlands)

Standing Strong in the Face of Temptation - Pastor Sebastiaan van Wessem (Celebration Netherlands)

The Heart of True Worship - Pastor Vince Rooi (Celebration Church Netherlands)

Who Am I? Who Are You? - Henriette Fahner (Celebration Church Netherlands)

The Prodigal Son - Jop Engelage (Celebration Church Netherlands)